Lesson Introduction
There is a long tradition in poetry of poets writing in response to work that has inspired them, borrowing a line from one poem to begin or end a new poem. In this way, poets may re-contextualize a particularly vivid verse while essentially having a conversation with poets they have never met, sometimes reaching across culture, language, and even centuries to connect with those whose work they admire.
Students in grades 9-12 can submit their response poems to our poetry journal, VOICES. Submission deadline: Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Learning Objectives
In this lesson, students will have opportunities to:
- See how poems can inspire new poems.
- Write a new poem that incorporates a favourite line from one of the poems the student has chosen to memorize.
Materials and Resources
To teach this lesson, you will need:
- computers and Internet access to the Poetry in Voice online anthology
- paper, pens